Adam Rodriguez Workout Routine

Adam Rodriguez Workout

Adam Rodriguez Workout

Adam Rodriguez Workout!

Any fan of this New York Puerto Rican actor surely appreciates this Adam Rodriguez Workout Routine that he used in order to get ready for the movie Magic Mike.  If you’ve been following him for a while you already know that Adam Rodriguez’s body was already looking good.  But when producers told him he had only 6 weeks to get physically ready for the movie, he and his trainer embarked on a celebrity workout routine designed to do one thing and one thing only.  And that was to get Adam in the best shape of his life!

Considering many woman already thought he was perfect as is, how do you improve on perfection?  Well Adam did this by by working out six days a week, with two additional hours of cardio each of the six days.  This helped him maintain his leanness while building muscle. He also consulted with a nutritionist who designed a meal plan system that would stabilize his blood sugar levels so that his body burned more fat as a energy source. This Adam Rodriguez workout plan made him stronger and leaner, dropping his weight down too 180lbs with only 5% body fat.

So if you want to workout like Adam Rodriguez here are the exact exercises, reps and sets he did in the gym.  For you super fans you can just call it the Adam Rodriguez exercise routine:

Warm up:
15–20 minutes on treadmill at low intensity
20 Burpees
25-50 Sit-ups
50 Bicycles
25 Leg Raises 

Chest Workout:
Flat Dumbell Press:              6 sets     5 – 10 reps
Incline Barbell Press:         5 sets     6 – 12 reps
Flat Machine Press:         3 sets     10 – 12 reps
Cable Crossover:           3 sets     20 reps
One Hour Cardio


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